Vecto Is A Product of First-Hand Experience

The idea for Vecto began a long time ago, when founder Brian Aumueller left a major rental car company and knew there must be a better, more efficient, more inclusive way to handle the rental replacement process. The world no longer works in terms of static contracts, rate sheets, and single preferred providers. With this understanding, Vecto was founded on the basis of changing a rental replacement industry that has basically been operating the same way for 40 years. The goal was to create more options for the customer and control daily rates in an all-encompassing platform that can scale and build into the future. Vecto accomplishes just that.

Democratizing The Rental Replacement Industry

Our mission is to redefine the way insurers replace vehicles for their insureds and claimants. We want to lead the charge in bringing new participants into the rental replacement market. This will not only provide a cleaner customer experience with more options, but also a more efficient pricing model for insurers and car providers alike. Vecto empowers insurers to access any transportation that gets a customer from point A to point B, and it enables any transportation provider to participate in the process.

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Our Team

Picture of Brian Aumueller
Brian Aumueller

Co-Founder & CEO

Picture of Bryan Kocol
Bryan Kocol

Co-Founder & CTO

Picture of Michael Siegel
Michael Siegel


Picture of Zach Aumueller
Zach Aumueller

Product Manager

Gerardo Mayboca


Picture of Davis Arango
David Arango


Picture of Jack Cope
Jack Cope


Kira Rios


Current Openings

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est.


How do I begin using Vecto?


What is the cost?


How does Vecto integrate with current claims systems?
